

his voice.

Sigur Rós: Festival (Live) from Sigur Rós on Vimeo.


Janie Taylor for Chloé on Nowness.com.

A Lover's Discourse

photo by Juliette
“If I acknowledge my dependency, I do so because for me it is a means of signifying my demand: in the realm of love, futility is not a "weakness" or an "absurdity": it is a strong sign: the more futile, the more it signifies and the more it asserts itself as strength.)”
― Roland BarthesA Lover's Discourse: Fragments



I've had the leaked versions for a while now... bad I know. and I know the album only came out yesterday which is why I'm posting this now. I bought it too! Of course I would support this brilliant group.

buy it HERE or on iTunes HERE

there's good music, and then there's m83.

montreal show november 18th! cant wait!


Mindy Gledhill

And then I got into searching the woman behind the wonderful voice from below's post.

Mindy Gledhill; her voice is amazing, her videos are precious. Again, a great fall-time find.
Look at her website and blogspot Here and support her christmas album coming out October 18th. Preview the song "Winter Bells" on her Facebook page Here!

Just a thought...

This is what's interesting to me today, and for the past couple days.
Hippy music. Like, Blind Melons "No Rain" or a classic Purple Haze. I didn't get the chance to experience this music first hand at an appropriate age, but I wonder about the feelings it gave people while listening. Was is that butterflies-in-my-tummy-omg-this-is-epic feeling? Do people still feel this now? or has a new genre of music taken over this feel. From meeting people, interacting with friends, getting to know different peoples musical taste it's become apparent to me that the most "hippy-esque" people I know don't listen to this music at all. Before I go any further I should probably just throw in here my definition of 'hippy'. Agree, disagree, whatever. 
Someone who has an outlook on life which can give them and eternity of happiness and gains this happiness through music, art, sound, light, love, experience, friendship, emotion, feelings in general. The list can go on, but most of it is about the simple things. The creation of things. Finding and way to let the music, by itself, to take you out of any situation you're in and put you in a new one. 
So, I think that I can safely say that a huge sweaty room of people dressed in amazing outfits, all jumping and moving together to the flashing lights, and the falling rain, confetti, whatever it may be, while the DJ bumps tunes that seem to be the exact pace your heart is going (always gets me) is the new way to find this butterflies-in-my-tummy-omg-this-is-epic feeling. 

All I know is that I get that feeling when I listen to this

Its hard to listen to this and not be entirely happy and just dance. This is my new-wave hippy.


cure that food baby.

a face to a name

I'm SO happy to have worked with her again. Here are some pictures from this weekends shoot with Alexa! She's the best person to shoot with, so comfortable and knows exactly how to get a good shot.
Check them out right HERE!
I'm going to be using some of these photos permanently on the blog and on the website. Enjoy!


excuse me while i continue to nurse my food hangover.


new shit!

Hey all,

I'm going to go ahead and say the oh-so-typical blog poster quote;

Sorry I haven't written on here in a while it's just been so0o0o crazy!
But really it has.
Just giving y'all a heads up to stay on the lookout for another colab with the beautiful and ever so talented Alexa Mazzarello. Click Here for her work and Here for our previous colab!
also, Stay Wanderful is going to be moved to www.thewanderful.com within the next month or so, so heads up for that as well.
This weekend is going to be amazing to catch up with family and to get another mini photo shoot to put up on here. Also, notice the fancy banner?

Since I haven't done this in a while, and since I really have nothing else to say here's a playlist. I know it's long overdue.