

so happy i found him. every song i have heard is just amazing. i highly recommend youtubing star slinger or take the liberty to buy a volume.


here's a few...

nice songs to get you in a relaxing mood this wednesday evening. wind down from Christmas cheer before New Years Eve comes way too quick.


c'est fini!

So I think those three turned out pretty well. I ran out of most of my paint and most of the materials I used so the last one was pretty make-shift. Surprisingly they're in higher demand than I expected (not complaining at all) so I don't think those will be headed to the gallery. Another series will be started and posted within the next 10 days or so. I'm thinking of the same styles and techniques but a brighter palette and a lot more whites. Stay tuned!


gallery series in the making!

mixed media and acrylic on canvas 26x30

so a little gallery in Perth, an hour outside of Ottawa, decided they want to show my work.
heres three (Second added Dec. 23/10, Third added Dec. 27/10) multimedia works.





updates updates updates

still no computer.
but i've managed to find some time to post a few artistic updates and what i've been up to the past little while.

graphite with a light sepia wash, woodblock print on bfk, and my second wax sculpture for the series in progress.
all untitled, all still in the works.
sidenote for all you artists out there: don't ever forget to document your work! you never know when a work thats been in the making for 50 hours will come tumbling down.
i've added a contact email for those of you who have any inquiries about any of the work posted on the site.

Twigg & Stone

Brand new video for Windows by Twigg & Stone
Album Dropping early 2011
my boys.


it is what it is and was what it was.

the amount of working computers is lacking right now thus the lack in posts. the mac is still currently in shangai. maybe wuhan? not sure.
but better things...

i spent five hours at the national gallery of canada today at the 'it is what it is' exhibition. please go.
out of those five hours i sat in a dark room taking in Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay's work Live to Tell. Its a short film of about 5-6 minutes long. you can read a little blip of it on the site and a little more at the gallery. this has to be my absolute favourite piece i have seen in a long time. just lovely.


after eating cotton candy ice cream for a while it just starts to taste like vanilla.

...lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and...stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to "walk about" into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?


hey kanye.




ultra relaxing.
i recommend scoping out some headphones or some good speakers to get into the first one.



life finally has taken a turn around the past week.
looking forward to relaxing with bro in kingston next weekend.
also, RUSKO monday at Ritual ! she's a gooo



i was told today
working on a piece of art can teach you things about life you would never elsewhere find. when drawing, you come across something great you want to hold on to and are proud of. you start to work around this one particular thing. what's wrong with that is everything else starts to become distorted because of how focused you are on keeping this one particular thing in frame. let it go. erase it, and with time it will naturally reappear and redefine itself. we are naturally programmed to cling onto the things we like and things that make us happy so we engulf ourselves in them. the only way to live in the now and to create in the now is to let go of the memories and what was good in the past, and to recreate over and over again.

thank you andré martel.



visual foundations class and drawing in perspective.



when some good ear candy meets some good visual pleasure, it doesn't get any better than this.

another thanks to earmilks daily 2%

welkome oktober.

cruncy leaves
crisp air
apple chips
hikes and long walks
art and colour
layers of fashion
punkin pie
cinnamon smell
herbal tea
sparks and fires
family and friends
i love this time of year

happy thanksgiving!


hail to the soul sister.

so it's been a couple days. hey folks.
a few little details i'd like to throw out there. life has been giving me quite the hard time in the past little while and she's being a little bit of a bitch to say the least. after a generic cold, which after a few nights of heavy partying turned into a sinus infection (see previous post), i was given a nice dose of antibiotics. allergic to penicillin? i am. unfortunately i was rushed to the hospital wednesday night looking like a swollen lobster and dosed up on a bunch of drugs. i'm not one to get sick, or ever end up in the hospital. so this was a pretty big event to say the least. i'm up and running finally and after 2 solid months of fighting sickness after sickness, i can confidently say that this is the end of it all. knock on wood.

what else is new. happy birthday yesterday to my older bro, and my little bro pat headed out to shanghai friday morning for fashion week around 4 am for 3 months and decided to take my mac with him. so i'm getting another!

with a bunch of school off and a bunch of time on my hands, i have finally finished my first sculpture work for art school. i haven't decided if i'm going to keep the base or put it on a stand of some sort. there are some touch ups that need to be done, but you get the idea. the hands are formed and sculpted out of yellow student wax and then covered with professional brown wax, and the flowers are made out of yellow wax as well, held up by copper wiring. i also made a trip to the scrap metal yard the other day and found a lot of interesting things to start making my next experimental sculpture. we'll see how that one turns out and i'll be sure to post up some progress.



pete shaw and the porchclimbers
Live @ Brandees Kingston Tuesday nights
rad tunes and cheap beer. start enjoying your tuesday nights.




i don't enjoy writing. i enjoy the idea of it. i like taking a pencil to a paper. i like the traditional scripture ideology and all that nonsense.
i dont know about you, but for some unexplained reason the only way i can get ideas out onto a page, or in this case a screen, is to type! maybe my mind just moves at a pace where only the keys can keep up. which is why i thank all you bloggers for doing what you do best; posting what you know and keeping the blog world alive. and really, when i say "posting what you know", i mean just that.
don't take time time to make this page all pretty and fancy, unless that's what you know. don't go around looking at other blogs saying to yourself "ou, i wish i could think like him/her" or "i wish i had thought of that!". you will. me, i don't know much when you look at all the knowledge out there. so don't do asking me all these scientific, political questions or discussion topics when what i know is pretty limited. 
what do i know? you'll find out with time. 
take your ideas and jot them down. take a random thought, a song, an opinion, and throw it down on a piece of paper. better yet, blog about it. these ideas, thoughts, whatever, will be that much more significant to you once you know they're able to be read by someone out there. who knows, maybe it will get stumbled upon and someone will love what you had to say.

just write about it. 

be chilled.

welcome, teebs. 
you may notice a pattern in my musical choices. no lyrics? make your own. 
think flying lotus inspired with an original twist. 

thank you earmilk for your daily dose of 2%


road to recovery.

I just want to dance. 


soup and honey.

If someone ever comes up to you and offers you a sinus infection, think twice before you accept.
I feel like shit.
It's been about a month since I've felt completely myself. This has to be the one of the most annoying things I've ever had to go through. 
Being sick is not only being sick. It's missing out on the fun, missing out on the weather, missing out on school, missing out on friends! I've been on antibiotics and bed rest for about 6 days now and they're just starting to kick in. I can finally look into the light! The horrible thing about this, other than the lingering annoyance of body aches, is the fact that once it all starts to fade away and you begin to feel better, you realize that you have three paintings, a charcoal drawing, and two sculptures due within the next two weeks and you feel you have no energy to even start to think about them.
Its been 4 weeks since I started at the Ottawa School of Art working on my portfolio in hopes of getting into Queen's University. Fingers crossed. 
I guess you could say this blog is an upside to being in bed for 2 weeks. I finally have some spare time to rant about what I think is important, or in this case, make you all feel sorry for me. Stay tuned for some of my work posted on the blog in the future.




I discovered these not too long ago and felt the need to share with the class. 

Baths is a band I just recently discovered about a month ago, and after one listen to their most popular song "Aminals" -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2KFYTFLxoY , I was hopelessly hitched.
Definitely glad they're on my radar and I can't wait to catch their show live in Montreal in 2011. 

wander into the wonderful.

after days and days of procrastination and so many things started but uncompleted (one of them being this blog), i've finally decided to take what i'm good at and put it to some good, public use. take what you see, listen to it, read it, use it, learn from it, but most of all, enjoy it.